Coming to a session is like what?

Creating a space in your diary to explore a topic that interests you. If we continue with the diving metaphor, it’s more like going snorkelling than splashing on the surface, but you don’t need to invest in oxygen tanks and proper diving paraphernalia just yet. We go deep, but not that deep. For three hours, you get to focus on one thing, with other people who are equally interested and curious. You get to hear about their stuff, and you can share your thoughts and experiences in a supportive setting. There’s no pressure. It really is about creating a space.


Clean Language questions are like what?

Clean Language questions are easy to answer, enabling you to go just a little bit further, opening up and out, or in and down. But it's not just about the questions, it's also about how they are asked. When you get good at using Clean questions, you own your presuppositions and prejudices and you think before you ask a question – why am I asking this, is it about my need to know, or helping the other people to explore their stuff? You can find the questions on the internet. These sessions really help to get better at using them, in both 121 and group settings. It’s a unique opportunity, I don’t know anyone else who works like this.

Systemic Modelling is like what?

Systemic modelling is a great way to find out how a system works. It can be a team at work, a family, or even your own system – with its various conflicting parts. It's all about honouring everything equally – whether that be the amount of time each person speaks, or the attention we pay to a particular part of the system. The positive stuff and the bits we’d rather not shine a light on. Systematic Modelling has a few very simple models taken from the latest research in Neuroscience, which help to make sense of what happens in a system. When we understand what’s going on, we can avoid conflict and drama and work towards shared objectives with kindness and compassion.

Symbolic Modelling is like what?

Symbolic Modelling is like a voyage. The coach accompanies his/her client as they explore a problem or a desired outcome. Freed from the pressure of having to find an answer, the coach is available to direct the client’s attention by using Clean Questions and will enable the client to develop a metaphorical landscape, drawing on their own, possibly unconscious, resources.