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Imposter Syndrome - Spring Forward IWD2023

Image credit: Etienne Boulanger - Unsplash

Have you ever felt like you don’t belong? Like your friends or colleagues are going to discover you’re a fraud, and you don't actually deserve your job and accomplishments?

If so, you’re in good company. These feelings are known as Imposter Syndrome or Imposter Phenomenon, and, according to research, up to 70% of us will struggle with it at some point in our lives.

If you are interested in joining us for this workshop, on Wednesday 8 March, 13:00-14:00 GMT / 14h-15h CET, we will be honouring the benefits of feeling like this, considering the long-term consequences, asking the group to share their tips and techniques and creating a space where we can all learn from each other. It is a place to experience Systemic Modelling group facilitation and Clean Language Questions. Led by experienced facilitators.

This 60 minute session is open to anyone who is interested. This is a participatory workshop so we ask that people come willing to learn, share and have their cameras on (where possible).

This is a Spring Forward event. Spring Forward is a month-long celebration of the role of women in digital culture and runs through March in parallel with Women's History Month.

Spring Forward's mission is to encourage women to take a greater role in digital by creating a platform that promotes digital community events organised by women for women.

8 March

Keeping Safe - Spring Forward IWD2023